Monday, July 1, 2019

7 Strange Secrets for Winning Big – Get Money, Happy, Healthy

Get Happy, Money, & Health 7 Strange Secrets to Winning Big

7 Strange Secrets for Winning Big

(Now available as an ebook on Amazon, and everywhere else.)

1. The Strangest Secret Becoming As We Think

Around the time he turned 12 years old, Earl Nightingale found himself in the Depression-era Tent City of Long Beach, CA. His father had left the family and they had nowhere else to go. Along with his mother and the rest of his family, this was a rude shock.

Young Nightingale noticed for the first time that there were (as he later phrased it) Have’s and Have-Not’s. Some people had money and some didn’t. He became interested in finding out why. He could see the difference in their attitudes, but wondered if there wasn’t some secret that the Haves knew and the Have-Nots didn’t.

Nightingale started his search in the Long Beach public library, since it was obvious that the people he lived around would have no clue. He would take home stacks of books and return them on time, dutifully scoured for clues. While he didn’t find that secret there, he did immerse himself in what became a love of reading. (This resulted later in life of a personal library of over 6,000 books.) This reading improved his ability in English and also gave him lessons in integrity, honesty, and other needed relationship skills.

He also found he wanted to learn to write.

Then came World War II. As a Marine volunteer, he was one of the few survivors on board the Arizona during the Pearl Harbor attack. What is also little known is that he found a local radio station that welcomed his volunteer help during his off-hours at the base.

Later transferred to training duty in North Carolina, he got employed for night and weekend work at a local radio station there.

Mustered out as a civilian, Nightingale got an announcer position at the Phoenix, Arizona radio station KTAR. There, he found that he was able to listen to the great announcers of that day and learn their style, as well as learn how to write news and ad copy. After 2 ½ years, he quit his job and bought a one-way ticket to Chicago. Two days after he arrived, he was under contract to the biggest radio station there.

It was in Chicago in 1949 that he found a copy of Think and Grow Rich in a used bookstore. By the following weekend, he had come across a six word phrase that he later became famous for, We become what we think about.

For a young man of 28, Nightingale was already on a high career path, but note his acceleration after this point:

  • He left the CBS announcer job to join WGN as a writer-producer in 1950.

  • He became the voice for the dashing radio adventurer Sky King, from 1950 1954.

  • Also in 1950, Nightingale created and hosted a 90-minute daily talk show, reported to be the basis for the modern talk show format.

  • The success of this radio show led to a television version on WGN-TV.

  • He wrote, produced, and starred in this show from 1950 1956.

  • During his time at WGN, he was also in demand as a public speaker.

  • It was in 1956 that he had achieved his childhood dream and retired at the age of 35.

By then, he had started and managed several corporations and sales firms, one of which was a life insurance agency. According to Nightingale, he was attempting to go off on a long vacation, and wanted to leave that agency with a recording that would keep them motivated, as they were used to weekly talks from him. The Strangest Secret was the inspired result.

The word of mouth for this recording built demands for additional copies. A friend, Lloyd Conant, was able to get this pressed into 78RPM LP records. That record became the first spoken word album to achieve Gold Record status, for sales over one million units. Nightingale later said that this was achieved with no advertising of any kind.

By 1960, he and his friend formed Nightingale-Conant and started a new industry of personal development recordings, which continues to this day.

Nightingale meanwhile had started producing a daily radio show, Our Changing World, which ran for nearly 30 years (1959-1989) at a pace of 5 shows per week. This achieved a legacy of nearly 7,000 recordings and worldwide acclaim.

If you count it up, you’ll find that he had four or five careers during his lifetime, all successful. His many landmark productions set a high bar for everyone who followed.

You can see from the above that after he made what he termed his greatest discovery, his achievements increased in size and scope.

Earl Nightingale is credited with first naming this idea as the Strangest Secret It’s strange because it’s been written and re-discovered by great thinkers over and over for eons. Yet it remains a secret to the bulk of humankind.

In The Strangest Secret, he mentioned many famous authors who had the exact same idea. Not too oddly, it’s also found as the core principle as was taught by the ancient Polynesians, the oldest surviving philosophy known today. The best translation has this as: The World Is What You Think It Is.

What Earl Nightingale came across in that used bookstore in Chicago was actually a statement of the most powerful concept known to humankind.

And that is where we start.

Consider this:

You Become What You Think About.

Test this for yourself.

See if it is workable.

See if your life doesn’t change remarkably as did Earl Nightingale’s and those who have also discovered this idea on their own or from others.

– – – –

Next, we’ll build on this. And you’ll learn why you need to test this, and everything you’ve been told, for yourself…

2. Tasting Before Swallowing Self-Limiting Beliefs

The old parable tells of a young boy was walking along the beach with a bucket. He found a crab and placed it in the bucket. Having no lid, the crab quickly climbed up and out.

Dismayed, the boy caught another crab and put it in the bucket, but had the same result.

An old fisherman walking nearby chuckled and came over to the visibly frustrated boy.

You may not believe me, the fisherman said, but put two crabs in there together and neither will make it out.

The boy shrugged and thought it over as the old man left. It couldn’t hurt.

So he caught two crabs and placed them both inside his pail at the same time. When one tried to get out, the other would pull him back down. As the boy continued to catch crabs and place them there, the same effect continued.

That night, the boy had many cooked crabs to eat.

– – – –

While this is an old parable, it’s also been studied scientifically and found to be true. And it’s applicable in our own culture.

You’ve probably seen this in your own life. An idea you have is shot down by the people around you as a reflex, instead of their listening and being supportive.

In the Wikipedia article on this, it’s explained as a way of thinking best described by the phrase, ‘if I can’t have it, neither can you.’

Bucket crab people will carp and criticize (privately or publicly) anyone and everyone who succeeds in breaking the mold they are following. You’ll find them saying things like lucky break, born with a silver spoon in their mouth, right place in the right time, and even less considerate bunch of crooks, lie, cheat, and steal to get what they want, inside network, cabal, and conspiracy of the rich.

But all these are false claims, merely justifications for their own failures.

This is also the basis of conventional wisdom, which has been defined as ideas or assumptions so readily accepted they go unquestioned. The trick to this is in that word unquestioned. Throughout history, those who have escaped the conventional wisdom bucket did so by questioning everything they were told or read or heard. As Mark Twain said, Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.

Out of Forbes’ top 20 richest people in the U.S., you’ll find that most were decidedly middle class when they started. Most of these either didn’t finish college or graduated from an unknown, non-Ivy League college. Only one was both born into a rich family and graduated Princeton but you’ll also see he made his fortune mostly independent from his family’s.

If you look at the most historically influential leaders in media and business, you’ll see that they are extremely self-made. Nightingale, as covered, came from poverty. So did Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie, W. Clement Stone, Thomas Edison, and many others.

In Dr. Thomas Stanley’s studies on Millionaires, he finds that the bulk all had in common that they came from very modest backgrounds, that most were 2nd generation immigrants, and lived very frugal lives as they built their fortunes only to give it all away before they died. Their children were gotten through advanced college degrees and mostly became well-off professionals, but never achieved the wealth that their parents did.

The results of bucket-crab thinking have made our society a defensive mess of protective mechanisms to cushion the slow decline for the bulk of our population into dependent poverty.

In The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale stated some statistics which seem alarming.

Out of one hundred people at age 25, after 40 years:

  • 1 will wind up rich.

  • 4 will wind up financially independent,

  • 5 will still be working,

  • and 56 will be broke.

And this tends to check out with statistics found recently. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services did a study (Published in June 1990, SSA Publication No. 13-11871) and concluded that 96% of Americans do not reach financial independence by age 65.

Thinking like crabs in a bucket has institutionalized such thinking in our schools.

Children are grouped by ages, by test scores, and regimented at an early age to conform and to fit in. They are taught the age-old game of follow the follower. Everyone tries to be like the rest, without even inspecting to see if where everyone else is going is where they really want to end up.

Teachers seem to have been taught more about schooling which is defined as techniques for keeping a mass of children together on a set schedule than they are about actual individual learning.

Education has become centralized and mandated, so that everyone comes out the same, nearly identical. While there are some exceptions, the educational rule is that one-size-fits-all. This again points to the college misfits like Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Michael Dell, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Rachel Ray, Mark Zuckerberg, and Walt Disney who made their fortunes in spite of the educational system.

The social media we currently have is no different. The commonly-held idea of success in marketing is to have some piece of content go viral and become widely shared. Yet such marketing methods by themselves have never translated into long-term success for any individual or company except for those which are paid to host the social platform itself.

The real successes on the Internet aren’t necessarily even well known. The plan of having A thousand true fans can be financially sound for almost any small business. And those fans might very well be in a very tiny location nearby.

This is why you have to taste before you swallow anything and everything you hear, read, or experience. All the floods of data you receive are probably false. They’re being spread by people who want to be popular, to be at the height of the latest fad. For politicians and government-affiliated, this means being politically correct at any cost to integrity.

You have to test anything and everything that comes across your plate. Anything and everything. This probably means you’ll need to resolve your beliefs down to those few core data which enable you to evaluate other data against them. Usually, such core data are held as natural laws, which generally hold up in all circumstances. This book gives you seven of these but of course you are going to have to test each and every one of them for yourself.

If you follow the follower, what do you get?

Mostly, what everyone else gets. A faulty way of having security in old age at best. And overly-high taxes to pay for other’s benefits before then. Society has always been able to protect the majority with props and handouts as long as they vote a certain way.

The truly successful trained themselves to think differently from those around them. They put in place methods to reduce or eliminate the criticisms and free advice of those around them.

If you want to be truly successful, you can’t bucket crab your way through life. You need to check out who you are following and see if they are going the direction you want. If not, then find a true leader who is going your way.

You are going to have to test and check everything you’ve been taught since you were born to find out if they are workable truths that can help you be what you want to be and have what you want to have.

– – – –

There’s probably undiscovered gems in that training as well. One such phrase is widely misunderstood and ignored, although it’s in most of our religions and philosophies. This one datum is also what made Andrew Carnegie the richest man on the planet in his time, and Napoleon Hill used to make three fortunes for himself…

3. Golden Rule Know This and Get The Gold

You’ve heard of the Golden Rulefrom Sunday School. But our modern society has relegated this to the feel good category of disposable datums.

Those who know its secret meaning profit outrageously. And the bucket-crab thinkers refuse to look and discover what the rich are actually doing, so the conventional wisdom they adopt gives completely wrong reasons for how the successful actually thought and grew rich.

Napoleon Hill starts out his classic with the mystery of what this hidden datum is, saying that it’s repeated over a hundred times through the book, but will only reveal itself when the time is right.

You have to go to the last chapter of his earlier bestseller Law of Success in order get the secret.

That secret is the Golden Rule.

This isn’t just treat others as you’d like to be treated. Hill has it as you can’t get without giving first. Earl Nightingale had similar meaning for it that of Cause and Effect. You will be rewarded in exact proportion to the service you provide. He held, along with earlier philosophers, that money is nothing more than an indicator of the value you’ve been providing to others. As well, that your home, cars, clothing, the clubs you belong to, the street you live on, all of these are indicators of how you’ve been rewarded for the service you’ve provided others.

Test this for yourself. While there are fakes, people who live far beyond their means, the way most people live shows just how much they are making. This in turn shows how much they are helping others. Top-flight CEO’s can earn incredible amounts, but they are held accountable for everything their million- and billion-dollar corporations are producing. And they live in some truly swanky surroundings. They can afford to.

Of course, there are a few exceptions. Warren Buffet still lives in the modest Nebraska home he bought a few decades ago. Some well-paid actors have bought rustic and nondescript ranches far off the beaten path (but with the continually-rising land costs, you can figure out the pretty penny it cost them.)

The point is, again, that as you give, so you will receive.

Content Marketers have found this to be the best way to promote their brand online give incredibly useful material in volume and then you’ll build a loyal audience that actually will demand that you offer something to them they can pay you for.

Conventional advertisers who stick to the 50’s short-cut advertising gimmicks are having a hard time finding real ROI for the schlock they produce. People would rather pay for ad-free subscriptions so they can binge-watch TV episodes, without being interrupted by some pitch. Meanwhile product placement within hit movies and episodes (where they pay part of the production costs to have their brand included) can increase sales markedly.

It’s the perceived value which is important.

You have to give before you can get.

Nightingale tells the old story of a guy sitting in front of a wood stove and demanding heat before he’d add the wood.

Service and valuable product come before you are rewarded.

Treat others with value and then they’ll treat you with value you’ll receive that commodity called money.

This is the real Golden Rule – the Rule of Gold. And now you know how to use it to get your own.

– – – –

And how do you know you’re succeeding in what you do? It’s in the choices you make.

One key choice most people never make, and this winds them up as part of the 95% Bucket Crab Club. The top 5% all have this one choice in common, and as a lifelong habit…

4. Goals – Map Your Destination Before Setting Sail

You’d never just send a ship out of harbor with no destination in mind and expect it to come back with a profit.

But people do that with their lives. They blindly stumble through their life, following everyone around them, who in turn are probably following them. All acting like a flock of sheep running as a massed group away from any supposed danger.

Most people only go to work because everyone else is going to work. They have no personal goals, neither does anyone they are following.

There are some urban legends that both Harvard and Yale did studies on their graduates, each finding that those with goals made more money than other graduates who went about their careers without setting them.

Well, there never were any studies done, anyway at those places.

The truth is that people with named goals, especially if they put them in writing, do succeed much better in life than those without. Gail Matthews of Dominican University did do such a study, and it’s well documented online.

What she found: the more people actually specified, reviewed, and put accountability practices into place, the better they did.

The most studies about goal-setting were probably done by Edwin Locke, who did such studies for over 40 years. The most recent summary (1981) found that naming specific, challenging goals and then checking them against progress regularly not only lead to higher performance in 90% of the cases, but also created a positive feedback loop of improving employee engagement, which impacted optimism, which in turn positively impacted individual performance.

Neat, huh? Write down your big goal and check your progress daily. Your progress will keep you upbeat, which improves your progress even more.

Even though the Ivy League studies were fiction, they are still spread (and written about in books) as if they occurred because the basic premise is true. You can test this for yourself and prove it in your own life.

How to Uncover Your Primary Goal

Earl Nightingale revealed the way to do this:

Take a note pad, go off by yourself, and write down the things you’d really like to have or do very much. One might be a beautiful new home or a trip around the world, a visit to some special country or place. It might be a yearning for a sailboat or motor yacht, or if you’re an avid fisherman, you might want to go salmon fishing in Alaska or trout fishing in New Zealand. It might be a business of your own or a particular position with your company. It might be a certain income that will permit you to live the way you’d like to live. Or, a certain amount of money in good investments or in a savings account. How about a special make of car? Or an addition to your present home?

Just write down everything you can think of that you would really like to see come about in your life. Then when you’ve exhausted your wants, go over the list again and number the items in the order of their importance, and make number one your present goal.

Again, the schools have never taught this. Even in the business classes.

You have to study successful people in order to find successful ideas, habits, systems.

You can’t continue to study the leaderless crowd to find anything about real success. All you’ll find is shipwrecks (which is mostly what shows up on the evening news and our 24-7-365 cable news channels.)

You’ll need to shut out all the channels in your life which aren’t bringing you useful data and concentrate on those that do. One recent survey of the highest producers found that they would watch TV only an hour a day but read books regularly. While lower-income workers were watching TV as much as 6-8 hours daily and reading little.

Your drive and interest has to be devoted to success if you want to succeed.

As you narrow down your studies to the most successful, you’ll sharpen your own goal into a burning desire as Napoleon Hill phrased it. And the more challenging that goal, the more success you will have. As the old phrase, If you shoot for the stars, you’ll reach the moon.

Again, test this for yourself. Find out if these studies were correct by seeing if they work for you.

The only thing worse is having no goal at all and just drifting through a pointless existence and getting old meanwhile.

– – – –

With all these studies, you may just strike it rich with your own gold mine. This is a resource everyone has, if they’ll only use it…

5. Gold Mine Finding Millions Between Your Ears

There is a story that a reporter in 1949 Chicago asked Nobel-prize winner Dr. Albert Schweitzer, What s wrong with men today? After a brief pause he replied, The trouble with people nowadays is that they don’t think enough.

We are taught in school how to read, how to write, how to do math. There is a long list of test scores which are supposed to be attained by students in schools in various subjects or those schools will not receive their funding.

What you won’t see in their curricula is teaching the skill of how to think.

You’ll find them teaching how to argue and debate, how to write persuasively, what is logic, what is the scientific method of research. All of these are dependent on thinking, yet no school teaches the subject itself.

Do you know how to become inspired? Do you know how to get ideas? Do you know how to brainstorm?

Exactly my point.

There are a few individuals who have studied this independently. Napoleon Hill tells of a Dr. Elmer Gates who had a room devoted just to researching new ideas. It was sound proof, had no windows, and only a single light. That switch was on a table, along with a pad of paper and a pen. Dr. Gates would enter that room and sit comfortably in the darkness, considering all he knew about the subject at hand.

When inspiration appeared, he would turn on the light and write furiously, sometimes for hours. Only when he was done writing would he review what he had written. Gates would sometimes be astonished at the result, since it was very often radically different than any known science in the area.

In his time, Dr. Elmer Gates ran the largest private and non-commercial laboratory in the United States. He held 43 patents, completed over 200 for others, taught dogs to see color in the dark, as well as discovering that human emotions affected body chemistry.

Dr. Gates was perhaps the first known person in history who got paid for creative thinking. And he studied and wrote all he knew about that subject, yet his writings are mostly unknown.

To our modern educational system, people who could creatively think at will would not fit into the rigid disciplines of teaching and schooling. What if a student suddenly found a new process that wasn’t in the textbook or known by the teacher? That student would be quickly brought back under control, or if insistent, disciplined.

This is perhaps the reason for dropouts. That ability to think creatively is undoubtedly the reason our maverick millionaires and billionaires earned their extreme wealth.

Being able to harness creative thinking is like having your own personal gold mine.

Actually, every single manufactured object around you is the result of an idea or several. All the food you eat is brought to you by mechanisms and systems which were invented. Even though Nature produces in abundance, without the ways and means of bringing this food to the average table, most of humankind would starve within a month.

Our progress as a species is the result of independent thinking, outside of what is taught in our schools, in spite of what passes for schooling, teaching, and education.

Our 5% mavericks imagine and create the advances which the 95% masses utilize to survive.

Yet it cannot be taught in schools or all discipline, it is thought, would be destroyed. Original thinking is a threat to education, even though our school systems only exist because someone thought them up to begin with.

But thinking is quite simple. People think every day. They simply never learned how to replicate the process which gives them their bright ideas.

Like all that’s covered in this book, it’s a secret hidden in plain sight. Practically, reading Hill’s book will tell you the basics of it. And there are others that can be found.

Earl Nightingale probably said it simplest where he recommended the practice he used daily for most of his life:

  1. Get up an hour early before work. Shower, get dressed, pour yourself a cup of hot coffee or tea.

  2. Sit down at a table or desk in this quiet time with a pad of paper and a pen.

  3. Write down your goal at the top of the page.

  4. Next, write down all the ideas you can that would improve your progress toward that goal.

If you can get 5 ideas a day, that’s 25 a week, about 1,250 in a year. You only need one good one to make a breakthrough which will enable you to leap forward toward that goal.

The cautions are these:

a. This isn’t easy at first, but comes faster as you practice.

b. Most of your ideas won’t be any good.

The point is that you only need a few really good ones to radically improve your life.

And the side benefit is that you’ll keep thinking throughout the day. Keeping a pad of paper near you during the day, or an app on your smartphone during your commute (providing you aren’t the one driving) so you can record every idea as it comes up.

You see, you’ve been trained all your life to not think creatively. Yet creative thinking is the most valuable and rewarded type of thinking you can do. Inventions are often worth millions if they are thought up, and are followed through.

The person who doesn’t practice thinking is effectively refusing to mine the richest and most inexhaustible vein of ore that exists the one in their own mind.

– – – –

There are, however, arbitrary limits on what you can do, how much you can achieve. And they’re summed up in a single word…

6. Magic Word – Attitude Determines Result.

Often, the most lampooned and criticized methods can turn out to be the most effective. Again, this is the result of our bucket-crab upbringing. It’s easier to say no than yes, it’s easier to criticize than objectively study and appreciate.

Emile Coué is today either highly respected or the butt of jokes. Practically, it’s illegal to run a clinic today with the techniques Coué used. He had floods of people pressing to get in to his clinic daily in order to get cured of their ailments. And all he would do is to talk to them, to get them to change their minds, to practice these new thoughts.

Today, advertising about curing people by changing their mind would get you shut down by the FTC, the FDA, and investigated by the FBI for mail fraud.

Yet, in the early 1900’s, Emile Coué was able to actually cure people within minutes of starting his interview with them. His emphasis was that attitudes of the mind created health or illness in the body. By changing the attitude, the body would respond accordingly.

His research into hypnotism (another much-maligned subject) showed that repeated statements over time would produce a change of result. Coué found that a person could apply this treatment themselves as an affirmation, and not require a specialist. This was called auto-suggestion.

His blanket phrase was recommended to all, Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

The failures of others in this area are also explained in the outline above. People who believed more strongly, more emotionally that they could not be helped would not be.

Claude Bristol, who wrote the bestseller Magic of Believing, stated that the people who were not helped by Coué‘s affirmations were those who simply put no feeling behind it. They didn’t feel it, and so they didn’t believe it would work. And so they got the result they actually believed in which was failure.

Contrary to most popular ideas, emotions can be changed at will.

Most people don’t realize that movies and books use this data on them all the time. By involving a person in the plot of a book or movie, removing them temporarily from their current worries and concerns, these movies can make them feel highly elated, deeply upset, or infatuated with love. These are all emotions that they themselves think they cannot control in their own lives. Yet the movie created this emotion in them with nothing more than a series of visuals, dialogue, music, and some sound effects.

William James, known as the Father of American Psychology, in his Principles of Psychology, stated,

The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes of mind.

In The Gospel of Relaxation he clarified,

Actions seems to follow feeling, but really actions and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not. Thus the sovereign voluntary path to cheerfulness, if our cheerfulness be lost, is to sit up cheerfully and to act and speak as if cheerfulness were already there.

In short, your attitudes affect your life and these attitudes can be altered by simply acting the part.

Probably one of the most effective affirmations was used by W. Clement Stone through most of his life. And he lived to be 100.

Try this for yourself:

  1. Get a mirror where you can stand and see your whole face.

  2. Look into your own eyes directly.

  3. Repeat this phrase: I feel happy, I feel healthy, I feel terrific!

  4. You should have noticed a change in your feelings simply on saying this.

  5. Now say it again, this time really acting the part. Note the stronger feelings that appear.

By doing this daily, particularly at the beginning of each day, it sets a new habit in place.

Norman Vincent Peale confirmed this,

Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful.

Remember – better results are obtained with practice as practice makes permanent.

– – – –

One last piece to your puzzle remains. How to best serve the world and gain your rewards…

7. Life’s Short, Art’s Long Create a Body of Work

I often recall a biography of Michelangelo, while I can’t recall the title or the author. The story of his life is summed up in a credo he lived: Vita Brevis, Ars Longus – Life is short, Art is long.

Michelangelo’s constant drive, according to the biographer, was to leave a body of work. From other biographical accounts, his prodigious output was more the native drive of this genius. His river of interest kept him producing art from a young age right through to his death.

This huge body of work, from sculpting to casting bronze to painting while lying on his back under the Sistine Chapel ceiling, all of these showed his passion for living and an intense talent which somehow manifested from his hands, arms, and heart. His art was outstanding from age 14 to his death at 88.

Modernly, this work ethic is disregarded. Our cultural climate of instant gratification seems to tempt people to fly from one career to another without mastering the skills they need for successful living.

But are we really just seeing that the top 5% will have a drive and dedication to their goal which then has a by-product of that body of work?

In all of us lives this native spirit of excellence, of serving our fellows with the respect and appreciation they deserve. Michelangelo gave us a life example of someone who was dutiful to a higher calling than those who surrounded him. He wasn’t skilled in social graces, but created works which invoked emotional responses in those who viewed his art. Such was his mastery and inspiration, as well as his drive to demonstrate that divine influence.

That drive is accessible to any of us.

You’ve been given 6 major tools, which could be considered as statements of natural laws or principles. They are that powerful.

But you’re going to have to prove that for yourself.

Meanwhile, your life continues on. Regardless of anything and everything you do, your life just keeps getting another day older in every moment you exist.

What you are going to do with that life depends on your ideas and drive to create value.

You now know that what you think creates your life. As well, that you can change what you think and how you feel about it. Meanwhile, you’re surrounded by the bulk of humankind who don’t and never did understand diddly about how to really succeed in life. And for the most part, any success they have is in how well they fit into the mold already created for them.

  • You, however, know how to think for yourself.

  • You know how to set and make your goals.

  • You know to test everything for yourself, not to accept conventional wisdom about something being either bad or good.

You are different. And that is how you found this particular set of writings.

Both of us have a lot of work ahead. That’s our body of work sitting there, waiting for us.

Like anything, it’s a huge challenge, a goal you can keep out in front of you to chip away at every day. Moment by moment, day by day, piece by piece, all your life will be represented in the quality and value you’ve put into your life-work.

Above all, don’t look back at what you’ve done. Look forward to what you still have left to produce.

What’s up ahead is art, waiting for you. Keep that vision front and center in all you do.

Your rewards will be just to that degree. Huge or not-so-much.

Your choice.

As always.


The underground classic DVD, The Secret, ends in a scene similar to it’s beginning. The producer is walking alone along a beach.

This time, she is cheerful, optimistic, confident. And she is about to leave you a last message. (Most people don’t see this, so I wanted to point it out.)

Finally, she grasps a long stick and is writing something in large letters over the sand. The camera pans out and up so we can read over her shoulder as she finishes:

Feel Good.

For all the dark presences you have have in your life, you’ve already been exposed to the seven points which can bring you your freedom from these dark ones.

If you are already a member of the 5%, these principles will just consolidate your gains. They’ll enable you to live better in all aspects you may be concerned with. But if you want to move out of the 95%, then just follow those 7 steps above. (Anyone who seriously wants to stay in the 95%, where it’s safe, won’t be reading these writings anyway…)

But consider again the first lesson: We Become What We Think About. These bad influences are only as bad as you consider them to be. For they can only gain their power from persuading those about them that they should be feared, that their criticism has any effect at all. This is their only protection, against enemies that don’t really exist. This is the legacy of the bucket crab mentality and training.

It’s all an illusion.

What you believe truly creates your unlimited strength.

It’s that word, Believe.

  • That’s what makes your world into the one you’ve always wished and dreamed of. You know what you believe to be true.

  • Know also by practicing what you’ve learned here. Test everything, all of it. Prove it to yourself that it works in your own life. And find other truths that hold up through your testing.

  • Know that you can only get as well as you give. And this giving must be openhanded. Even to those who will refuse your gifts. It is their loss, not yours.

  • Know and keep your goal always in front of you, always just ahead. Make this your Burning Desire in life, your sole motivation. Should you ever achieve that goal, then select a larger one yet, and an even bigger one after that…

  • Know your mind is the richest source of gold and treasure. Your ideas and imagination will bring everything you need to make you rich in both spirit and body.

  • Know that your feelings are your own to create through every moment of the day. By your actions you can lift your emotions to any height you require.

  • And know that its your continuing body of work which is the real value you leave for others. It brings you wealth, health, and happiness in this world and forever.

These few things I know to be true.

And I give them now to you.

Test them, adjust them, make them your own.

What you know in your heart is true.

Be true to your heart.


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The post 7 Strange Secrets for Winning Big – Get Money, Happy, Healthy appeared first on Living Sensical.

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