Friday, February 17, 2017

Money: What It Is, and How to Have Plenty Of It

CTF Money, what it is

(An excerpt from If You Can Count to Four available on Amazon)

Money: What It Is, and How to Have Plenty Of It

I am wondering if you would be happy if someone were to come to you and tell you that you could have all of the money that you desire to have. I am wondering if you would be interested in learning what money is and how you can have plenty of it. I would like to tell you what money is and how you can appropriate the laws, which will make it possible for you to have all the money you desire.

First of all, the majority of the people in the world do not have all of the money they need and desire, because they do not know what money is. Most everyone thinks that money is security, money is happiness and money is real. They do not realize that money is a symbol of something that is real and that money is not real within itself.

We have all heard that money is a medium of exchange. Exchange of what? There is something that is real and tangible and basic that money is the symbol of. Money is the medium of exchange of this thing which is real. So, first of all, I would like to tell you what money is, then I will tell you what money is not, then we will talk about how to have plenty of it.

We have said that money is a symbol and is not the real thing. We have said that money is the medium of exchange of something real.

  • Money also is an expression of the real thing.
  • Money makes it possible for us to express ourselves in life.
  • Money makes it possible for us to do the things that bring happiness.
  • Money makes it possible for us to have the things which are desirable.
  • Money also is a container.
  • Money is a warehouse, or a storage unit, which makes it possible for us to render the real thing, that which money is the symbol of, in abundance.
  • It makes it possible for us to render a service and money is a container into which we store units of service.

Many, many years ago, we did not have money. People, with their various abilities to serve, in the various capacities in life, for which they were especially designed, would render a service, then they would accumulate the results of that service in the form of barter.

Then, in their own crude way, they would exchange the values as best they could. That was not very convenient, so as men and women learn better how to exchange their services, they designed a symbol of the real value, which is service. They could store it up in the form of a medium of exchange.

Actually, money could be likened to a warehouse, thinking of each unit of service as so much value. Let’s take an example of a man who earns $300 per month. This thing called money, which is represented by the term $300, is merely a method of evaluating the amount of service that man rendered in a given period of time. Now, if he consumes only $200 worth of service during the month, then he has $100 worth of service as a surplus, which he can store up in this thing called money.

In other words, he has $100 in a savings account. That is 100 little boxes into which he can store extra units of his service, which he rendered during the current month.

Now, let us assume that this man wants to purchase something which costs 1200 units of service. He lives on his 200 units of service, and he earns 300 units of service during the month, so he stores 100 units of service each month until he has his 1200 units in reserve. He has 1200 little boxes, each of them representing a certain amount of energy expended in the form of his skill. He can trade these 1200 little boxes for automobile or a down payment on a house or a refrigerator or whatever he desires.

That which he received, in the form of a house, automobile, vacation or whatever he desires, was so many units of service rendered by the people in other channels. He exchanged his accumulated service units for the results of the services of others.

You can see how money is not the real thing, but a medium or a symbol of the real thing, which is service. In other words, money is in effect, not a cause.

People who think that having plenty of money would solve all of their problems are dealing with effect and not cause. The reason why the majority of people in this world do not have all of the money they need, is that they are dealing with effect only. They are constantly trying to harvest, which is effect, without planting, which is cause. If we harvest all the time without replanting, soon we will not have anything to harvest.

We have been talking about what money is. Now let’s talk about what money isn’t.

Money isn’t service, money is the symbol of service.

The real thing is service. Every person was designed with the ability to serve, with a potential capacity to serve in an unlimited fashion. So, the real challenge is to get acquainted with the real thing, which is service, then learn how to render a quality and a quantity of service. The effect is automatic. Once we increase the quality and the quantity of cause, which is service, the quality and quantity of effect is automatic.

The way to have plenty of money is not to give our attention to money, which is the symbol, and not the real thing, but to switch our attention to cause, the real thing, and become an expert in the realm of cause, which is rendering a quality and quantity of service to humanity. So, the challenge is for us to switch our focal point of values and to change our habit patterns so that we become proficient and effective in the realm of cause, which is service.

As I said before, the majority of the people in the world do not enjoy an abundance of this thing called money because their premise of values has been false. Because they think that money is the real thing, they are seeking after the symbol instead of seeking after the real thing, which is service. So, the challenge for us is to find an opportunity to serve in an unlimited way.

We must be able to render a quality and quantity of service. Otherwise, we are not entitled to an abundance of the results of service. Of course, someone is going to say it is very easy to say, but what are you going to do if you had been thinking, all of your life, about the symbol, which is money, until the habit pattern is so deeply engraved, that you find yourself constantly thinking about money and are not particularly interested in service.

The answer to that problem is to approach it scientifically, according to the laws of the mind. We have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is that part of our mental processes, which is aware. The conscious mind is personal, and it is that part of us that makes it possible for us to imagine a brand-new idea.

The subconscious is that part of our mental processes, which is not aware. The subconscious mind is impersonal, and it is a storage house where we have stored all of our previous thought experiences in the form of habit patterns. The sum total of all of our thoughts in the subconscious mind is what determines how we feel and how we react to every situation at the present time.

Now, the technique of changing our focal point of attention, or our premise of values, is to decide with the conscious mind, where the will power is, and where the capacity to design a new idea exists. Let us appropriate this capacity, which we have, and let us design a new pattern, according to our desires.

Now that we are aware of the real thing, now that we are aware of our opportunities to find an opportunity to serve, it is our privilege to use our intelligence to find a particular channel of service which we enjoy so much we would be willing to serve in it without financial remuneration.

How many of you know of a certain thing that you would like to do regardless of whether you were paid for it or not? Do you suppose that if Ben Hogan never received another dollar for playing golf, he would quit playing golf? Do you believe that all of the great athletes, in the many phases of athletics, would quit playing their various games, if they found themselves, suddenly, in a position, where they were not going to be paid for their activities?

We all know that they enjoyed these games in the beginning and that is why they ultimately became professionals. In the beginning, they were attuned to the very nature of the activity. Every one of us is especially designed to serve in some particular capacity or channel of service to humanity. When we find it, we will enjoy it so much that we would do it without compensation if we could afford to.

When we realize this, we began to look for that particular channel. Of course, we will find it because of the very nature of our intelligence. The subconscious mind is connected with infinite intelligence, and through the proper direction of our attention in the conscious mind, we can direct the activities of the subconscious mind to find the answer to any problem to which we desire to find the answer.

The thing to do is to get a definitized concept of this basic premise. That the real thing in life is not money, but rendering a quality and a quantity of service to humanity, then habituate this concept by clamping it into place with our will power. Remember the will power story for it is basic and true.

The will power works just like clamps on some boards that have been glued together. While the glue is going through the process of drying, it does not have the power to hold the boards together, but the clamps hold the boards together until the glue dries, then the power of the glue comes in and holds it in place and the clamps can be taken off.

The will power, like the clamps, is especially designed to hold our attention to something new and desirable until the habit pattern is well established. We can then relax the will power and the habit pattern will take it over automatically. So, after the habit pattern is established on the new premise of values, we automatically give our attention to rendering a real service to humanity in abundance. This causes us to appropriate the law of sowing and reaping in the field of life, and money, which is the symbol of the real thing, begins to come into our storehouse in abundance.

Every person of historical importance became the type of person who would be written up in the history books, because they discovered this wonderful secret. They found an opportunity to render the type of service which they enjoyed. They learned to lose themselves in that service, until they forgot all about the financial remuneration. Because they were planting seed, in abundance, in the field of life, life began to pay off bountifully.

With your permission, I will refer to Henry Ford. You know that until the time he was nearly 40 years of age he had never amounted to anything from a financial point of view. However, something down deep inside of him caused him to spend all of his spare time developing the gasoline engine. In those days, only the rich people could buy automobiles. He believed that the common man should have a unit of transportation. He had an obsessional desire to design and manufacture that inexpensive unit transportation.

The story is a familiar one to every person in the world today. Henry Ford’s objective was not to make a million dollars, but to render a great service to humanity, and because he found ways and means to render a quality and quantity of service to humanity, he became one of the richest men who ever lived.

Henry Kaiser is a modern-day example of a man who has looked for opportunities to serve humanity all of his life. Today, he is head of so many different industries, that I doubt if he is aware of all of them himself. By his very nature, he is constantly looking for opportunities to serve. We are all familiar with the record he made in ship building.

He also played a very important part in building Hoover Dam. If you ever have the opportunity to visit Hoover Dam, take advantage of that opportunity, and while you are enjoying being shown through that vast construction, think of the size and the color of the thinking of the people who first looked at this great chasm and saw the mighty Colorado roaring down into the valleys beyond. Think of the faith of the men who designed it and believed it was possible to build a dam across that mighty river.

Through the thinking of men like Henry Kaiser, this great structure was built and they were paid handsomely because they were dealing with the real thing. His attention was on rendering a quality and a quantity of service to humanity and, because of this, thousands and thousands of families today, in the valleys below, have plenty of water under control. Rich crops are being grown every season, and they have four or five growing season per year. They have no floods because the water is under control. Millions of kilowatt hours of electric power are generated as a byproduct of this great dam. There is an abundance of electric power and thousands of families every year enjoy sport fishing and recreational facilities in the largest man-made lake in the world, Lake Mead, because men dedicated themselves to rendering a quality and a quantity of service to humanity.

Of course, incidentally, they were compensated with millions of dollars for their services. I am sure that many of you are asking the question, “Well, how does this apply to poor little old me? I am just an ordinary housewife; I am just an ordinary insurance salesman; I am just an ordinary food supplement salesman; I am just a waitress or a service station attendant or a mechanic or a machinist. How does this principle apply to me?”

It applies to you as definitely as it does to Henry Kaiser or Henry Ford, because you have the privilege of switching your focal point of attention from your paycheck and to figure out ways and means as to how you can render a greater service to your employer and customers.

The challenge to each one of us is to realize that we have the capacity to serve effectively in some particular channel. And that we can become so effective in rendering a quality and quantity of service in that channel that we will reap a bountiful harvest, not only in the joy of service but also in the coin of the realm.

Now that we have discovered the law of sowing and reaping, which is appropriated by rendering a quality and a quantity of service to humanity, we have discovered the secret of life. Now, we can be anything that we want to be and we can have anything we want to have.

So may I suggest that you get a notebook and write down everything you want to be. You may think you want to be something that is going to take you years to accomplish. That is perfectly all right, write it down. You may want something that only takes a few days to accomplish, write it down.

Then, after you have written down everything that you want to be, on the other side, write down everything you want to have. List every category, your living quarters, your furnishings, your clothing, your transportation, the recreational facilities, like clubs, etc. several times each day, give some attention to this list, especially just before you turn out the light and go to sleep at night.

Then, you will find that you will begin to have a deep feeling regarding all of these things. Every day, on awakening, you will find ideas coming to you, from the subconscious, that will tell you what to do to make it possible for you to realize your objectives. Yes, it is possible for each one of us to design the type of life we want to live, and to design the type of things that we want to possess which will make it possible for us to express life abundantly. We have the ability to render the quality and the quantity of service to humanity which will make it possible for us to have the things that we want to have. Every desire has, within it, all of the intelligence and all of the wisdom and all of the ingredients necessary for its fulfillment.

Now let us briefly review:

  • Money is a symbol, not the real thing.
  • Money is a medium of exchange, which is the great convenience in our modern society. By the way, we never should feel negatively toward money, money is good.
  • Money is an expression, or, money is that which makes it possible for us to express the type of life which we want to express.
  • Money makes it possible for us to enjoy life by providing a means of exchanging our services for the services of others. When we are in and accumulate enough money, which is the symbol of service rendered, we can enjoy all of the finer things we desire.
  • Money is a container, a warehouse, a storage unit, through which we can render more service in any given space of time than we need for our own expression. We can accumulate this service in the form of money, which is a container into which we can pour this additional service and use it later date.
  • Money is an effect, not a cause, and so we do not put real value in money. We rather trust in our happiness and our security based upon our awareness of the real thing, which is cause, our ability to render a genuine, honest service to humanity.
  • The great challenge is for us to learn how to render a real service to humanity. There are many unlimited opportunities to serve for every individual. Let us realize that we have been given, not only the privilege, but the capacity, to discover a great opportunity to serve humanity.
  • Then let us burn all of our bridges and get into that particular channel for which we have been especially designed and let us become experts in that field so we can dedicate ourselves to rendering a quality and a quantity of service.
  • We will be compensated in peace of mind and livingness, which is a continuous joy. That will be our first and most valuable compensation, but we will also be compensated in the form of financial remuneration in proportion to the quality and the quantity of the service we have rendered.

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