Hello again,
Glad to have you finding this podcast or opening this email.
Thanks, as usual, for all you’ve done this week to help people around you. Even if they didn’t seem to appreciate your help, I do. You can almost feel it from here – and can, if you really concentrate enough.
But that’s a story for another day.
Today, I’ll just bring you up to date on everything and then give you a funny recording I heard this week. A forgotten Earl Nighingale piece that really gave me some chuckles – so I thought you’d like it, too.
First, what we did this week.
You now have another ebook in your membership library. Of course, it’s also available on Amazon, iTunes, and (shortly) everywhere else. It’s titled “Why Ninety-Five Fail, Only Five Succeed.” And it’s also another short read with linked audio inside it. (Smart person that you are, you’ll see that the podcast was out a couple of days ago with the full transcript, so you can read it there.)
If you like it, please go now to Amazon and leave an honest review. Even if you don’t like it. Because this will help others find it faster. And the more successful people we can help on their way, the better the whole place becomes.
Otherwise, we’re getting out some regular podcasts each week as we work our way through “How to Completely Change Your Life in 30 Seconds.” Do check these out if you can. Nice to listen to on the commute, or when you’re out in Nature walking around for exercise like some of us.
I was just compiling the recordings for Claude Bristol’s Magic of Believing, which will start showing up shortly. That’s a helluva book. We’re also going to start it off with his TNT: It Rocks the Earth. The unfortunate part to both of these is that I couldn’t find unabridged audio versions to share with you, so the transcripts don’t match exactly. When we get a chance to go back through all these, I’ll see if we can’t fix that in the future.
This Week’s Recording
As I said, I was chuckling out loud when I listened to this recording. Earl Nightingale has a very dry humor, and you’ll find little barbs here and there throughout most of his recordings. The term is “a wry wit,” I believe.
In this one, the second in his long out of print “Direct Line” series, he gives both barrels to our education system, and then goes onto a bit of a roll describing some other social stand-by’s.
That’s right down our alley with what I covered in the Living Sensical manifesto. (That reminds me, I do need to get this recorded for you.)
The Direct Line series came out on cassette starting in 1971 and is fairly easily found on the Internet. Nightingale-Conant doesn’t seem to have copies that I have found. If you do find a CD version, please let me know so I can upgrade these.
Let’s get going here.
Oh… Do make sure you’re subscribed to this podcast so you don’t miss a single episode. And also, join our membership to get no-charge access to our expanding member library, with another benefit of getting an email every week with the updates we have for you, just like this one.
For now, please enjoy the next 30 minutes listening to the Dean of Personal Development, Earl Nightingale.
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Well, how did you like that?
I plan to get this series up as a podcast on it’s own one day. The trick is to getting it transcribed, which costs a bit of coin. If you want to support this effort, then buy my books on Amazon or iTunes or other places they’re published. And do leave reviews wherever you can.
I do this just so other people can find this great material and improve their lives. The income I recieve goes mostly right back into site development, meaning that I can afford to spend more time getting great books out to you. And that’s a virtuous cycle.
Thanks again for all your help and all you do.
If you liked this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes (which helps them recommend it to others) or leave a comment in the show notes.
See you next week.
The post Funny Podcast Update: How to Publish and Laugh, too. appeared first on Living Sensical.
from Living Sensical http://calm.li/1NFy4HU
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