Sunday, May 21, 2017

Your Mindset Stack: Who’s Behind the Mask?

Who is Behind the Mask - The Plot of Your Heroes Journey(Click here to download audio.)

Your Mindset Stack: Who’s Behind the Mask?

The wildest breakthrough I made in researching this area has got to be this:

There is a very powerful enemy that people call up in order to justify their actions. Particularly their mistakes, doubts, and fears. This enemy allows them to get away with their failures.

I found it in a book on copy editing called The Story Grid by long-time editor Shawn Coyne.

In that book he said there were three story plots to any story:

A) The Arch-Plot (which is the main set of changes within the story)

B) The Mini-Plot (which is usually the character s changes)

C) The Anti-Plot

That Anti-Plot is the interesting one, and Coyne doesn t hardly talk about it. Essentially, this is all the times that everything went to hell in a hand-basket. The whole thing blows up and there s nothing you can do, since it doesn t run on cause and effect at all, just unexplainable coincidence. Very avant-garde and modernist.

Only problem is, that whole idea is invented.

Avant-garde got started really after World War I, and is essentially an overwhelmed response to world events. Kinda like a civilian PTSD. Modernism started later and took over from there.

None of the artwork created in these styles or their variants really makes sense. Some of them are great to look at. (Except for the pages and pages of accompanying description which are required to explain the meaning of the work )

Modern art only really sells in cities. Big cities. Elsewhere, people like Kincaid paintings of landscapes or Goya nudes. Stuff they can instantly relate to. And you can see there s something here when you have masses of people together, much like the crabs in a bucket metaphor.

The alternative and solvent for the Avant-Garde anti-plot also runs on something more powerful and Science hates it as well. It s called Belief.

W. Clement Stone is known for spreading the idea of a Positive Mental Attitude. And this sorts out any overwhelmed idea people might have going on.

Way before him, a philosopher called Jesus brought some other ideas into view which put a new spin on the Old Testament. He redefined the top law of the Bible as love your neighbor as yourself. Before this, it had been an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Now the whole world could be viewed through the idea of pro-active love. (Helluva paradigm shift. Got him martyred for it.)

We ve covered this scene with 95% of the world (at least in our Western Culture) trying to keep everything the same by criticizing anything and anyone who tries to change it.

Mostly, if you get right down to it, their biggest fear is their lack of security if everything blew up on them. They are stuck solidly in proving everything by cause and effect. (What they don t realize is that they create their own security through their choices and personal faith.)

Going back to the oldest known surviving philosophy, known today as the Polynesian Huna , you ll find they had four ways to analyze or study anything:

  • Objective (What just happened?)

  • Subjective (How did this affect me?)

  • Symbolic (What does this mean?) and

  • Holistic (How does this fit in with everything else?)

Our Science is then only using about one-fourth of all the possible ways to analyze anything. Some sciences like various psychologies have dealt tangentially in the symbolic or subjective, but only from a cause and effect viewpoint usually.

Jung s archetypes started being more broadly useful after Joseph Campbell pointed out how they fit into explaining all of our popular legends and myths, and then Chris Vogler pointed out to Disney execs how Campbell s Hero s Journey (Monomyth) could be used to tell some great stories that would result in high box-office receipts. (See Appendix for their books.)

Science is great stuff and we have a lot of technology around us that makes our lives easier. But in order to study Nature, you have to find out how things work together in systems – holistically. Our modern science boys have figured out how to grow crops on sand. Which is a good thing, as they haven t figured out how to restore the land or even improve it while they are raising their crops.

Some non-conventional farmers have, but since they aren t backed by big corporations which can fund university research, this data isn t widely known.

The same is true for what makes successful people.

Napoleon Hill accepted a commission from Andrew Carnegie to develop a practical philosophy of achievement that anyone could apply. And Hill spent his whole life working this forward as much as he could. Probably no other single self-help book (other than the Bible itself) has influenced more people to be successful.

James Buchanan Jones took Hill s work to the next level after he had been speaking about the Hill philosophy for many years, as well as reading on his own from other works. In just four years, he created a multi-million dollar firm which sold their products nationwide. He had both a radio and TV show, and a bestselling book as well. All of these were simply tests of the ideas he had evolved from Hill.

His main point was to practice already having achieved whatever you wanted to be or have and then it would show up.

You had to believe to succeed. The more you believed, the faster you succeeded.

The point is what you believe in and how strongly you believe.

If you believe in the Boogie-Monster, or Avant-Garde anti-plots running your life, then they will be as real as anything else. If you believe in your own ideas and ideals, then these will become more powerful than the universe around you.

The problem is that the world is stacked against you. Only 5% might be rooting for you if they know you exist at all.

Perhaps the Avant-garde/Anti-Plot is a real monster after all

Make Yourself Great Again is available on Amazon or any bookstore as a paperback, audiobook, audio CD, ebook.

To find your own inner hero-plot, try picking up your own copy of Make Yourself Great Again. Yours is waiting for you. Click here for instant download. (And do check out the bonuses in the back…)

The post Your Mindset Stack: Who’s Behind the Mask? appeared first on Living Sensical.

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