Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Living Sensical A Manifesto Robert C. Worstell

How to start Living Sensical - the manifesto.
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Living Sensical A Manifesto

About 5% of the population know for a fact that the world is filled with endless opportunities and that a person can be and have whatever they want, by learning what they need to know from freely available sources.

The other 95% don t believe it and work to make sure no one else does either.

What you believe is your choice.

It always has been, always will be.

  • You ve never been trained how to think rationally. Instead, you ve been emotionally mis-programmed to have knee-jerk reactions. That allows you to remain a wage-slave and sold just about anything.

  • Your diet has been filled with mass-produced food stuffs that are causing more diseases instead of maintaining consistent good health.

  • Conventional business is consistently promoted based on short-cuts, which are based on deceptive economic theory. People are taught to chase money as an object instead of increasing the value of produced goods and so, their exchange value. The result: 1% of our population controls 90% of the wealth.

  • Most people go to work at jobs they hate, with no secure retirement, living in fear of being fired. People should love what they do and do what they love but have no clue how to leave the rat-race treadmill they are on.

  • Routes to resolve the above are well booby-trapped. Each of these influence the others directly, so attempting to solve one without the others usually ends poorly.

  • Powerful tools that could solve these problems have been also the most discredited. The problems embedded at the level of just making a living and staying alive have kept people from even seeing these tools, much less putting them to work at finding solutions.

Sound familiar?

Read on

The biggest problem you have stems from what you haven t been taught.

  • It s not on any curriculum in any school I don t know that it ever has been.

  • The government ignores this, but talks about it all the time.

  • Several authors through history have written books with this in the title, but never get around to actually defining it for anyone.

  • It s said that it s something you learn when growing up but ask your parents about this and you ll get a blank look.

  • Practically, this is harder to talk about than sex and there aren t even any scandalous magazines printed about it.

  • Yet everyone can do this. Everyone can practice this. Everyone can learn how to improve their skills with this.

This is probably the first time a simple explanation for this hidden subject has been put into words, let alone print:

Sensical (Sensible, Makes Sense ) is where Emotional thought agrees with Rational thought.

If you read nothing further, I ve done my job here.

Take that definition and test it for yourself. When you can emotionally get behind something, and it is the logical thing to do then it s a sensible action to take. You ll find that you will do sensical/sensible things and not do non-sensical things (unless you are a comedian, or a politician. Comedians who become politicians, well )

The point of this book is:

  • Accept all data conditionally test everything you hear, read, or experience.

  • Adopt only those ideas and facts when you ve proved them to be workable for yourself.

I ll tell you why this works and how as we go along

Get Your Copy Now.


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The post Living Sensical A Manifesto Robert C. Worstell appeared first on Living Sensical.

from Living Sensical

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