Thursday, September 10, 2020

Mindset Tips: It’s Perfectly OK To Be an Exceptional Success

Mindset: It's perfectly OK to be an exceptional success.(Click Here to Download Audio.)

It’s Perfectly OK to Be an Exceptional Success.

That’s the Way You’re Wired, Anyway.

This was one of those 1 AM wakeup calls. Literally.

The message: it is really quite OK to be exceptional.

All of our lives, we have been taught to blend in, to go along, to follow the crowd. This has kept us safe, supported, alive. (Although people could argue with that, it is the intention of our training to protect us from most of the dangers of this world, as can be predicted.)

But that doesn’t allow us to be great.

Unless we bring the whole society into greatness at once (unlikely) then you becoming great again on your own will make you exceptional. You’ll stand out from the crowd.

The trick is to make that into a good thing.

If you read Outliers closely, you’ll see one of the stories where Malcolm Gladwell didn’t really understand one of the heroes he was describing. Gladwell may have thought this guy was a genius failure. Mainly because the hero in that story didn’t get rich.

In that book, there’s a story of Chris Langan, who has an IQ so high it can’t accurately be measured. We see him first on a show answering questions and walking off with a cool $250,000 without getting any of them wrong.

But he failed at every college he tried. And he was reading ancient texts and foreign languages in grade school. Never got rich, never got famous. Wound up on a horse ranch in Northern Missouri where Gladwell reported he was working on a comprehensive theory of the universe.

Gladwell explained his failure to get through college and attain graduate degrees, etc. was based on his upbringing, where he never learned the social skills necessary to succeed.

What you actually see in this is Gladwell’s own bias about people. It comes from his own upbringing, and his cultural background. To him, getting an education is everything. It was what enabled his family to move from Jamaican poverty to wind up with his writing articles at a top-notch news outfit in New York City.

If he had looked back through history, he’d find examples like Edison and Ford and even W. Clement Stone who had the barest of educations. Gladwell would have found most of the richest people in America are college dropouts or decidedly non-Ivy League.

Education in this culture doesn’t make you exceptional, it gets you a job. People’s belief in themselves make them an outlier.

Gladwell’s entire concept for his book is this:

Superstar lawyers and math whizzes and software entrepreneurs appear at first blush to lie outside ordinary experience. But they don’t. They are products of history and community, of opportunity and legacy. Their success is not exceptional or mysterious. It is grounded in a web of advantages and inheritances, some deserved, some not, some earned, some just plain lucky but all critical to making them who they are. The outlier, in the end, is not an outlier at all.

In other words, the environment makes the person, including his IQ, which is a freak of nature rolling the genetic dice.

Sorry, no.

This entire book you’ve been reading says that you make yourself by your own beliefs. It’s only in the last few decades, probably since World War II where Science has had the upper hand on explaining things as being that way. They’ve developed oddball secular philosophies, where strained and fragile world-views have been constructed to explain away miracles and mysticism and Bristol’s Magic of Believing.

As a brilliant whiz kid growing up through school, my chosen way to survive was to not stand out, but to get straight B’s. There wasn’t any choice about going to school. I only finished high school because my Mother insisted I get a degree of some sort. The math of enduring another 1 ½ years of school was far preferable than having to take at least another three in college, where I would be surrounded with the same type of non-sensical thought and action I had endured so far.

That attitude served me well. Mostly. It’s easier to blend in and be un-noticed than stand out like a sore thumb. (Most of the six students who tied for valedictorian in my graduating class were all shy and nervous and uncomfortable all the time. Meanwhile, in most of my junior and senior year, I figured out how to have no homework.)

When I did return from those 20 years of corporate cult, I did think for awhile that maybe I had missed something in college. So I went back and got seven degrees in seven years. All I proved is that I was right all along college is about how to get a job, not to learn how life worked.

However, when I worked out getting financial freedom (all debts paid off and a passive income big enough to pay all my bills with no job) this point about making a lot of money bothered me a bit. Everywhere I turned to still had that nebulous money as a statistic that measured success.


Earl Nightingale pointed it out long ago. The successful make money. They are successful first and then the money rolls in. They are a success when they follow what they believe they should be doing.

The value of life is in its living. Life should be playing at a game you enjoy. You should feel good about what you do and what you have and what you are.

This book has laid out how you can do that for yourself.

No amount of advice or training (especially college) is any good to you until you’ve tested it for yourself. Two old sayings apply here:

Truth is as valuable as it’s workable.

No one school has all the teachers.

To build your own resilient world-view, you’re going to have to stack your own mindset the way it works for you. Build your mindset stacked on dogma and it will collapse, sooner or later.

This point of money and getting rich is just another test that you need to do for yourself.

This book is a test I’m running on this concept right now. If you set your own vision and goal to having a certain income level, then this will have your subconscious bring up all manner of feelings and thoughts that you are going to have to deal with. The answer is to simply persist, letting go of anything and everything which doesn’t enable you to make your goal.

And so we come back to being woken up at one a.m. with the idea that it’s actually perfectly OK to be great. It’s OK to stand out. It’s OK to be a recluse and want your privacy at the same time.

It’s OK to be and have whatever a person really wants from life.

You don’t have to believe what anyone else wants you to believe. Test everything and then put your faith behind the workable ideas you find.

Get that concept and it should help you feel better during all the rest of your days. Which in turn helps you achieve your own vision and goal.

And the next one after that, and so on.

– – – –

Thanks for reading this book. Really.

Feel free to pass it on to your friends. Or buy them their own copy so you can re-read yours again. Your choice.

Have fun, either way.

Makes Yourself Great Again available as ebook and audiobook in addition to paperback.
Ready to become the exceptional success you’re already wired to be? Your Free copy of Make Yourself Great Again is ready and waiting. Just Click Here for Instant Download. (And there are more bonuses in the back of the book also waiting for you…)

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